Roadside Assistance
Peace of mind for the road ahead
Every vehicle Subaru makes is designed and engineered to give you peace of mind and keep you safely on the road. However, Subaru Canada, Inc.’s commitment to your peace of mind doesn’t end there. With the convenient Subaru 360 C.A.R.E. (Customer Assistance for Roadside Emergencies) program, members are guaranteed not only quick, courteous emergency roadside assistance in Canada and the United States, but also other benefits designed to ensure an extraordinary experience with your Subaru – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Best of all, the extensive Subaru 360 C.A.R.E. program – which is sponsored by Subaru Canada, Inc. and backed by Canada’s leading automobile roadside assistance organization, the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) – is offered free of charge for the first three years from date of purchase on every new Subaru vehicle, as part of a Subaru Protection Plan, or with the purchase of a Subaru Certified pre-owned vehicle. As a Subaru 360 C.A.R.E. member, you will receive a personalized Subaru 360 C.A.R.E. membership card and have access to a dedicated Subaru 360 C.A.R.E. toll-free telephone number (in English or French). This 1-800 number will allow you to take advantage of over 20,000 roadside assistance contractors and 1,000 CAA and American Automobile Association (AAA) offices throughout Canada and the United States.
Subaru Canada, Inc. is proud to be the first vehicle manufacturer to have a direct relationship with CAA, giving our customers the benefit of CAA’s unparalleled level of experience and service.
CANADA 1-800-263-8802
U.S.A 1-800-647-1608
Roadside Services
By calling the dedicated 24-hour, toll-free telephone number on your Subaru 360 C.A.R.E. membership card, you – and anyone driving your vehicle with your Subaru 360 C.A.R.E. membership card – can receive roadside assistance for any of the following emergencies:
Fuel Delivery (Gasoline)
If your vehicle runs out of gas, an emergency supply of up to 10 litres of fuel (when available) will be delivered. You will be obligated to pay for this fuel at current pump prices. Specific quantities, brands or octane ratings cannot be promised.

Lock-Out Service
If the keys are locked inside the passenger compartment of the vehicle, a service person will attempt to open the vehicle. You may be required to sign a release of liability form prior to this service being rendered.
Battery Boost Service
If your vehicle’s battery is dead, a service person will attempt to start your vehicle with a battery booster or other available means.

Flat Tire Service
If your vehicle has a flat tire, a service person will install the vehicle’s inflated and mounted spare tire (when applicable).
Winching and Extrication Service
If your vehicle is stuck, it will be extricated by a service person if it can be safely reached from a normally travelled road or thoroughfare. Service is limited to one service vehicle and one operator.
If attempts by a service person have failed to make your vehicle safely operable, towing service will be provided to either:
a) The nearest authorized Subaru Dealer or authorized Subaru Service Centre within a 360 km radius; or
b) The nearest CAA contract station or CAA Approved Auto Repair Service facility.
All of the roadside assistance emergency services apply to the Subaru vehicle registered in the Subaru 360 C.A.R.E. program, regardless of driver, provided they are in possession of the Subaru 360 C.A.R.E. membership card.